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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Community Patrol Member

Positions Available:None

Community Patrol members are civilian volunteers, 18 years of age and over, who assist the EPS members in community based policing by providing extra eyes and ears on Edmonton's Streets. Patrol Members use assigned radios and operate through a patrol base station operator. Members are in constant contact with an EPS officer and report unusual or suspicious behaviour.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Drive personal vehicle through neighbourhoods as directed by EPS police officer.
  • Watch for suspicious behaviour.
  • Report suspicious behaviour to attending EPS police officer.
  • Attend court, as witness, as required.
  • Available from 2200 hrs – 0200 hrs Fridays and Saturdays
  • Volunteers are not permitted to engage suspicious individuals or enter into pursuits.

Skills Required:

  • Resident of Edmonton for a minimum of one year.
  • Clean driving record.
  • Ability to understand the mandate and services of the EPS, as well as the hierarchical chain of command and follow directions within that structure.
  • Excellent grasp of English language.
  • Solid writing and verbal communication skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to maintain strict confidentiality
  • Punctual and dependable.
  • Sound geographic knowledge of the.
  • Self-motivated and ability to take appropriate initiative.
  • Demonstrated ability to work as a team player.
  • Ability to learn and use appropriate radio procedures.
  • Ability to attend all required training events.
  • Willingness to utilize personal vehicle.
  • Must carry appropriate vehicle insurance.
  • Must follow all Alberta Traffic Safety laws.
  • Must be willing to work in pairs.

South East Division


Edmonton Police Service Community Patrols:

Southeast Division Community Patrol
Southeast Division Community Police Station

#104 Youville Drive East T6L 7H6

For information on other Edmonton Community Patrol Groups please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 780-421-3546.
